
Le Petit Versailles is a NYC public community garden in the East Village that presents a season of events including art exhibitions, music, film/video, performance, theater, workshops and community projects from May - October. LPV is a project of Allied Productions, Inc., a non profit arts organization.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Obtusus cum Acumine ~ Prayer Flags for the Garden

Obtusus cum Acumine ~ 
Prayer Flags for the Garden
Lucia Maria Minervini
Summer 2012

I offer Prayer Flags for the Garden in observation of the delicate harmony of our symbiosis with our spaces. These jewels of photosynthesis, preserved and shared in community, honor the bees for their gifts of flowers and wax. Just as our cosmic union supersedes ego and commemorates our instinctive history, Obtusus cum Acumine whispers that conscious mindfulness between all that is in the moment so the omnipresent planetary winds will carry these messages beyond the beyond.

The prayer flag, a colored panel of rectangular cloth including text and image, blesses its surroundings. Pre Buddhist Tibetan Shamanistic traditions used the flags in healing ceremonies.

Usually in 5 sets of 5 colors each, they are read from left to right symbolizing:
blue = sky/space, white = water, red = fire, green = air/wind, yellow = earth
Health and harmony prevails when all of the elements are in balance.

Promoting peace, compassion, strength and wisdom the flag's prayers are blown by the wind becoming a permanent part of the universe. New flags mounted 

alongside the old symbolize the ongoing cycle of life.

Film & Exhibition support from The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.”